The classes are designed for physicians who are live with Epic and looking to increase their efficiency. Physicians and APPs using Epic are welcome to attend.
Non-physicians/APPs such as trainers or physician liaisons are welcome to observe the class alongside a Physician/APP who registered.
We recommend the Nurse Advanced Chart Explorer (ACE) program. The Nurse ACE curriculum is accessible with an Epic UserWeb account and provides nurses and support staff with free, 15-minute efficiency modules for the workflows they complete most often. The modules are asynchronous, so they can be accessed anytime it's best for the caregiver.
The classes are free.
Yes. The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health designates each session for 1-hour of AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™.
These are hour-long, virtual classes led by Epic trainers. Each session includes 45-50 minutes of fast-paced demonstrations, followed by Q&A time with Epic staff. You’ll also receive materials for reference outside of class.
You will receive a confirmation email from SmartUserTraining@epic.com after your registration request is processed. This may take multiple days. You will also receive a reminder email the day before your class begins, which will include the Zoom link.
Classes are removed 3 days before they begin to ensure every registration request is processed. If you would like to sign up for classes up to the moment they begin, track the courses you’ve taken, and practice what you’ve learned in an Epic hosted training environment, consider participating in the Physician SmartUser Program.
While the sessions are not recorded, much of the content exists in Here's How and Power Bite videos. You can see the related content in this document on the Epic UserWeb: Efficiency Training Video Resources.
Reach out to SmartUserTraining@epic.com to discuss best practices. Our SmartUser team can help you plan the program's implementation.
You must be registered before the conclusion of a SmartUser class to receive credit for attending it. Our Trainers will register you during a class, but you cannot be registered after the class has ended. If you join a SmartUser class and you were not registered in advance, you must reach out to the trainers through the Chat or Q&A windows requesting to be registered.
Yes! Check out Cut Clicks and Save Time in Epic.